Hi everyone! 🖖🏻 How's it going? I am traditionally inviting you to our marvelous English Speaking Club #kharkovgo! 🙃 When? - Sunday, January 14, 15:50 (I mean it)⏰ Where? - IT School Hillel, Korolenko street 10 (not a lane). What`s the topic? - The Art of Public Speaking!🎬🕺 Our new great friend Ahmad El Saadi is going to make a public speech about making public speeches! Amazing, isn't it? You are going to get some tips and encouragement for improving your public speaking step by step! 📝📈 Furthermore, we are going you check and practice in a week what you will have learned by then, this is why ... We are having a contest of Public Speaking next Sunday!!! (21.01.) It is likely that all of us will one day have to speak in public. Whether we are giving a formal presentation to an audience, or simply asking our boss for a promotion, speaking skills are essential to getting ahead in a professional setting! (c) Ahmad El Saadi. Don`t miss the opportunity to become better! Come and participate! ;) The rules are as follows: 1) Seats are limited! ❗ If you want to come, leave a serial number (1, 2, 3) in the comments below ➕ answer the question: Which topics would you like to discuss at our meetings? Why? When it`s your turn to add 26 (when you see 24, 25), you should add "26.The registration is over!". Therefore, the registration is only for 26 people. You may add 27, 28 ... numbers, if some people change their planes and mention it in the comments, you are welcome to come instead of them. 2) If you register and can`t come, let us know in the comments below❗ (write a new message) Otherwise, you`re not welcome for a next event at IT School Hillel. 3) If you are not registered, you are not allowed to come ❗ I might simply ask you to leave. No offense. *** We have a terrific place to conduct our meetings, but when there are lots of us, it`s too noisy. There are some students who paid for courses of IT School Hillel there. They pay, this is why they have a right to demand specific conditions. The lack of noise, that bothers their lessons, is one of them. If we don`t want to lose that place, the Host has to limit the number of visitors and visitors have to follow the Host`s instructions. *** Respect yourself and others!🙏 Be responsible! 🙏 Price❓ - All our events are free of charge. This is a social project. Though, if you want to take a cup of coffee or tea (there is such an opportunity at IT School Hillel), it costs ~ 10hrn for a cup of coffee and 5hrn for a cup of tea (there is a money box there). If we gather at a cafe, you must order something there (drinks, food). Is it your first time here? 😍 Know nothing about this Speaking Club? CHECK IT OUT :) https://vk.com/topic-90244702_35667547 Then follow the instructions (leave a number), share this publication (because your friends might find it useful as well) and come! Nobody bites here ;) Well, some of us do! But it`s even more interesting, isn`t it?) ✔If it`s easier for you to use Facebook, follow this link https://www.facebook.com/kharkovgoengclub/ ✔If you want to give us feedback (because we need it and it would be extremely nice of you!), follow this link https://vk.com/topic-90244702_36121928 ✔If you have any ideas, any suggestions (topics, questions, activities) if you would like to make a public speech/to prepare some information/ to help me with conducting meetings or even to conduct one on your own, feel free to write me in personal messages! Don`t be shy! I`d appreciate any help! 🙌 ✔ If you want to get all updated information about our events ASAP! (3-4 times a week, no spam), it`s a great idea to subscribe to notifications (top right corner). If you get lost, feel free to call me 068-18-55-261 (Kate) 🙃 Hope to see you soon!

Теги других блогов: English Speaking Club Public Speaking Kharkovgo